If there is a sale, transfer, assignment of title or deed, refinancing, foreclosure, or deed-in-lieu of foreclosure of a WISH- or IDEA-assisted unit during the retention period, required notification and repayment calculations can be completed in our new Community Investment Portal.
Repayment of a WISH or IDEA subsidy may be required if either of the following occur during the retention period:
Sale, transfer, or assignment of a WISH- or IDEA-assisted unit to a household that is not low- or moderate-income (household income above 80% of area median income), or
Refinance of a WISH- or IDEA-assisted unit where the unit does not remain subject to a retention agreement (e.g. WISH promissory note and rider to deed of trust).
The following Bank members are participating in the 2024 WISH Program and can reserve funds to make grants to eligible first-time homebuyers. Interested homebuyers should contact a member financial institution currently participating in the WISH Program directly to learn more about applying for a matching grant.