Corporate Fact Sheet

FHLBank San Francisco Corporate Fact Sheet

FHLBank San Francisco is a member-owned cooperative wholesale bank. We promote housing, homeownership, and community economic development by linking our member financial institutions to the worldwide capital markets.

Member financial institutions headquartered in Arizona, California, and Nevada rely on us to provide prompt reliable access to low-cost funding that enables them to achieve their financial objectives and meet the credit needs of their communities. Our members are commercial banks, credit unions, industrial loan companies, savings institutions, insurance companies, and community development financial institutions. These institutions use the low-cost funding we supply to make home mortgage, commercial real estate, small business, and other loans in the communities where they do business.

Together, we are helping to promote homeownership, expand access to affordable housing, boost economic development, seed or sustain small businesses, and revitalize communities.

The FHLBank System

Congress established the Federal Home Loan Bank System in 1932, with the passage of the Federal Home Loan Bank Act, to realize an ambitious policy objective: improve the housing finance system by facilitating the flow of credit for mortgages throughout the country. Today, the FHLBank System is made up of 11 regional Federal Home Loan Banks serving roughly 6,500 local lenders throughout the nation.

Each FHLBank is a separately chartered entity, with its own board of directors and management. The capital stock of each FHLBank is held by its members.

Our Community Programs

We support affordable housing and economic development by providing grants and discounted credit that our members can deliver to local affordable housing providers and community organizations. Each year, we set aside 10% of the Bank’s earnings to fund our Affordable Housing Program (AHP). A portion of AHP funding is allocated to the WISH first-time homebuyer program. Since the AHP was created in 1990, FHLBank San Francisco has awarded over $1.35 billion in AHP dollars to support the construction, rehabilitation, or purchase of over 154,600 homes affordable to lower-income households. 

Bank Facts

  • Federal Home Loan Bank District:  11th District, which includes Arizona, California, and Nevada

  • Interim President and CEO:  Joseph Amato

  • Chair of the Board of Directors:  F. Daniel Siciliano

  • Total Assets as of 12/31/24:  $81.7 billion

  • Total Advances as of 12/31/24:  $45.6 billion

Headquarters: 333 Bush Street, Ste. 2700, San Francisco, CA 94104

Telephone:  (415) 616-1000

Updated: October 24, 2024