F. Daniel Siciliano, Chair, Independent Director
Stanford Law School Fellow (CodeX) and Co-Founder, Stanford Rock Center for Corporate Governance

Stanford Law School Fellow (CodeX) and Co-Founder, Stanford Rock Center for Corporate Governance
F. Daniel Siciliano is a Stanford Law School fellow (CodeX) and co-founder of Stanford’s Rock Center for Corporate Governance. He has previously served as professor of the practice of law, faculty director of the Rock Center for Corporate Governance, and associate dean for executive education and special programs at Stanford Law School, Stanford, California. Mr. Siciliano is currently president and CEO of Nikkl, Inc., a fintech start-up that helps individuals and companies access and deploy capital to optimize returns in previously inefficient markets. Mr. Siciliano is the chair of the board of both the American Immigration Council and the Silicon Valley Directors’ Exchange, and serves on the board and as chair of audit for the Latino Corporate Directors Education Foundation. As of 2011, he has been an advisory board member and visiting professor for the Corporate Governance Center and Law School of Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Previously, he was co-founder, chief executive officer, and executive chair of LawLogix Group, Inc., a privately held software technology company from 2000 to October 2015.