Credit Programs

We offer our members access to discounted advances or letters of credit that they, in turn, can lend or provide to support affordable housing, homeownership, neighborhood revitalization, small businesses, and other targeted economic development activities that benefit low- to moderate-income people and underserved communities.

Community Investment Program (CIP)

  • CIP Housing: Members can use lower-cost CIP credit for affordable housing development activities that serve low- and moderate-income individuals and families and help develop and revitalize their communities.
  • CIP Economic Development: Members can use lower-cost CIP credit for economic development activities that serve low- and moderate-income individuals and families and help develop and revitalize their communities.

Advances for Community Enterprise (ACE)

  • ACE: Members can use lower-cost ACE credit for projects and activities that result in jobs, services, or other benefits for low- to moderate-income households and communities.
  • ACE SBA: Member can use lower-cost ACE credit specifically for SBA-related activities.

Members can find more details and applications for each of our credit programs on our Member Portal.