Consumers Want to Have Choices in Their Banking Partners
FHLBank San Francisco helps deepen our toolbox to make things happen for our customers and the community
FHLBank San Francisco is a privately capitalized, member-owned, cooperative that offers reliable and competitively-priced liquidity to our member financial institutions. Members use the funding and resources provided by their membership to advance economic development and community resilience across our three-state region of Arizona, California, and Nevada.
Flexible funding options including advances and letters of credit, designed to meet liquidity needs, manage costs, and reduce risk.
Use our affordable housing and economic development grant programs to build stronger communities and support lower-income families, first-time homebuyers, and local economic initiatives.
Access our discounted Community Investment Program and Advances for Community Enterprise credit products to help finance projects that benefit low- to moderate-income communities. Ideal for affordable housing, homeownership, and revitalization efforts.
Our Impact
Franz Washington, a former U.S. Marine from Southern California, had fallen on hard times. But he found hope when he was referred to Estrella Springs, a transformative affordable housing development that turned an older, run-down motel into a vibrant community for formerly unhoused people in Santa Ana, California. FHLBank San Francisco supported the project with an $890,000 AHP grant awarded to Jamboree Housing Corp.
Graphic (TRT 0:04): Hope for Veterans and the Unhoused at Estrella Springs Santa Ana, California. FHLBank San Francisco logo appears.
Franz Washington, formerly unhoused veteran: Now, I can do this. (Franz shakes his house keys). I got a place to live. I can sleep at night. I can wash. Brush my teeth. And don’t have to look on my back, because I can lock the doors. I don’t have to deal with the problems of being homeless no more. Every unit comes with a bed, a couch, a refrigerator and pots, pans. So, you cannot beat that.
Graphic (TRT 0:40): Jamboree Housing’s Estrella Springs in Santa Ana was supported by an $890,000 Affordable Housing Program grant from FHLBank San Francisco.
Graphic (TRT 0:47): FHLBank San Francisco is a privately capitalized member-owned, cooperative that provides reliable liquidity and grants for affordable housing and economic development to member financial institutions in Arizona, California, and Nevada.
Graphic (TRT 0:53): Learn more about FHLBank San Francisco’s Affordable Housing Program grants at
Graphic (TRT 0:56): FHLBank San Francisco living line logo graphic moves across screen with copy that reads, “Housing,” “Liquidity,” “Community”.
Graphic (TRT 1:02): FHLBank San Francisco logo appears, and then dissolves.
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